By Rockin’ Ron Carter with input from Sharon Harper and Ariel Mondlak. Sugaring, Snowshoeing, and Fat Bikes are the subjects of this month’s Blog. These are all Late-Winter Activities Along Vermont’s Green Mountain Byway.
SUGARING – MAPLE SYRUP: Vermont produces over 50% of the Maple Syrup in the U.S.! Syrup comes in various grades from dark & rich to light & smooth. It takes 40 gallons of boiled sap to make 1 gallon of syrup. There’s plenty of places to find it in our area: Wyckoff Family Maple in Jeffersonville (just north of Smugglers’ Notch Resort), Vermont Maple Outlet in Cambridge, Marvin’s Country Store in Johnson, and Nebraska Knoll Sugar Farm and Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe.
SNOWSHOE-ING – CLASSIC WINTER FUN. When we say classic, we mean a sport that is believed to have been developed 6,000 years ago! With numerous mountains, forests, and fields, Vermont is a snowshoeing paradise.
In Waterbury Little River State Park offers a variety of terrain for snowshoeing, with markers noting historic sites including cellar holes, abandoned farms, a family cemetery and the remains of an old sawmill. For a convenient downtown spot to snowshoe, the mutli-use Cross-Vermont Trail winds along the Winooski River and through a cornfield for a mellow but beautiful trek. Snowshoes are available at Waterbury Sports or to rent from the Waterbury Public Library. More information about winter recreation in Waterbury can be found here.
In Jeffersonville, Smuggslers’ Notch Resort has a Nordic Center that offers dedicated snowshoe trails in addition to cross country skiing trails. In Cambridge, Johnson, Hyde Park, and Morristown enjoy the realtively flat but scenic Lamoille Valley Rail Trail.
FAT BIKES – BIKING ON SNOW: Yes, it’s true Virginia, you can take your two wheeler on the tundra! Leave it to Vermonters to embrace the latest snow sport. We enjoy winter in every way possible.
In Waterbury, use portions of the trail networks at Perry Hill and Little River State Park, which are groomed, making them the perfect spots for fat tire biking! You can check the conditions here to see which routes are open. Fat bikes are available at Bicycle Express.
For Fat Biking in Stowe visit Fatbiking. Cady Hill Forest is always popular and maintained by Stowe Trails Partnership. Several outdoor outfitters offer rentals.
As mentioned earlier for snowshoeing, Cambridge, Johnson, Hyde Park, and Morristown has the realtively flat Lamoille Valley Rail Trail. Lamoille Valley Bike Tours offers rentals excursions along this coverted railroad bed.