The Green Mountain Byway
Scenic Routes through Vermont’s Northern Green Mountains
Explore the scenery, recreation, history and culture of Vermont’s Northern Green Mountains. Central Vermont scenic routes feature Mount Mansfield (Vermont’s highest peak), the Smugglers’ Notch mountain pass, and iconic Vermont towns and villages. Get outside, get going, and celebrate Vermont along the Green Mountain Byway. Experience scenic routes through Vermont’s northern Green Mountains.
Enjoy the ride. Savor the journey!

The History and Culture of Vermont’s Northern Green Mountains
The more densely settled areas along the Byway are bustling village centers with a rich cultural history. For example, these historic villages include Waterbury Village, Colbyville, Waterbury Center, Moscow, Stowe Village and Lower Village, Morrisville, Hyde Park, Johnson, Jeffersonville, and Cambridge.
These towns and villages are included on the Vermont State Historic Register. They are notable for their significance to architecture and the building trades, the history of transportation and recreation, and for people and events important to the state’s history.
The six Byway towns maintain a vibrant cultural identity rooted in the tradition of rural Vermont. They possess an eclectic blend of cultures as expressed through diverse local arts, food and crafts, festivals, and other activities. The common cultural themes are the traditional sense of place plus a contemporary cultural atmosphere.

The Byway is home to some of the most outstanding scenic landscapes and open spaces in Vermont’s northern Green Mountains.
The Green Mountain Byway is a Scenic Byway. It is designated by the State of Vermont. This 71-mile corridor includes Waterbury, Stowe, Morristown, Morrisville, Hyde Park, Johnson, Jeffersonville and Cambridge, Vermont. The Byway is part of the National Scenic Byways Program, whose mission is to recognize, preserve and enhance selected scenic roads throughout the United States. Read more about the scenery.

The scenic routes encircle Vermont’s northern Green Mountains, including Vermont’s highest peak, Mount Mansfield and the famous mountain pass of Smugglers’ Notch.
The area offers many recreational opportunities in all four-seasons, both indoor and outdoor. Examples include world-renowned skiing and snowboarding, hiking, biking and water sports. Read more about recreation.

Visit our historical villages and towns along the Green Mountain Byway. While you are here, participate in the vibrant cultural activities offered in every season.

The Byway is home to some of the most outstanding
scenic routes and landscapes in the state of Vermont
The Green Mountain Byway is a Scenic Byway. It is designated by the State of Vermont. This 71-mile corridor includes Waterbury, Stowe, Morristown, Morrisville, Hyde Park, Johnson, Jeffersonville and Cambridge, Vermont. The Byway is part of the National Scenic Byways Program, whose mission is to recognize, preserve and enhance selected scenic roads throughout the United States. Read more about the scenery.
The Byway is home to some of the most outstanding scenic routes, landscapes and open spaces in Vermont’s northern Green Mountains.
The Green Mountain Byway is a Scenic Byway. It is designated by the State of Vermont. This 71-mile corridor includes Waterbury, Stowe, Morristown, Morrisville, Hyde Park, Johnson, Jeffersonville and Cambridge, Vermont. The Byway is part of the National Scenic Byways Program, whose mission is to recognize, preserve and enhance selected scenic roads throughout the United States. Read more about the scenery.
Photo Credit: Bob Malbon
The route encircles Vermont’s Green Mountains, including Vermont’s highest peak, Mount Mansfield and the famous mountain pass of Smugglers’ Notch.
The area offers many recreational opportunities in all four-seasons, both indoor and outdoor. Some examples include premier skiing and snowboarding, hiking, biking and water sports. Read more about recreation.
Visit our historical villages and towns along the Green Mountain Byway and participate in the vibrant cultural activities offered in every season.
Read more about the history and culture of scenic routes through Vermont’s northern Green Mountains.